Bienvenue a notre blog du jour!
Kelvin and Nay led our morning prayer together and Kelvin read from Ezekiel 28:12-13 and Isaiah 32:9-20, telling us this represented us as God’s people.
After this, we headed off for a scrumptious Romanian-goat-cheese-style-scrambled-egg-and-toast breakfast that Mona prepared for us, ready for another day of busy work making the playground.
We were split into 8 groups, erecting fences, shovelling and spreading soil, sand, pebbles and rocks, as well as building the “mayni golf” (mini golf), as big Daniel puts it.
Edith took on the crucial job of testing out the safety of the children’s toys to ensure they were suitable for the children.
As we were working, Michael called me (Claire) to come and see the praying mantis he found. Coincidentally, it was next to one of the goats and, as the goat was coming a bit to close for comfort, the praying mantis lashed out with its lacerating arms at the goats face to protect us.
Throughout the day young and older group members worked with passion, vigour and determination to finish the playground for the children’s party, ending the day after the sun had set, with the mozzies attacking us from all sides, and our supper thoroughly digested.
By the way, if it may be of use or interest to you, to say ‘The meal is very good’ in Romanian, you only need to repeat ‘Mincaria yeste fwarte bouna’.
Bonne nuit, many blessings and la revedere!
Claire and Michael