We welcome any residents of our parish or those who have qualifying connections who would like to hold their wedding at St Stephen’s.
If you’d like to be married in the church, the first step is to ring the church office to check the church is free on the date you have in mind.
We’ll first make sure you’re eligible to marry in St Stephen’s.
We’ll then invite you to a brief meeting to book the church and go over some basic details.
Later on you’ll also be invited on a marriage preparation course, the aim of which is to give all couples married at St Stephen’s a good foundation for a lasting marriage.
After this you’ll need to attend two further meetings with a member of our clergy team. The first to sort out songs, readings, banns, organist, etc. and the second to discuss the service itself.
The week before your wedding you’ll normally attend a rehearsal at the church. If you’re getting married in a registry office or abroad and would like a service of prayer and dedication to follow the ceremony, this can be arranged. The procedure is much the same as for weddings, except you won’t need to arrange banns.
Contact the church office for more information