We believe that God hears our prayers and that when we pray for ourselves or each other that God can bring strength, encouragement, healing and hope.
Anyone can pray for anyone – at any time or in any place. However, if you would like someone from St Stephens to pray for you we have two teams of safely recruited church members who will happily pray for you and who you can trust to pray within our church guidelines.
Prayer Ministry on Sundays
After our services on Sundays look out for and ask one of our Prayer Ministry Team who will be wearing a green named badge on a green ribbon.
Prayer Ministry on Tuesdays and Thursdays
If you’re visiting Living Well at St Stephen’s on Tuesdays or Thursdays feel free to ask one of our Pastoral Team who will be wearing a ‘Can I pray for you?’ t-shirt.
Our Prayer Ministry guidelines
If you would like to view our prayer ministry guidelines you can view them here.