YOUTH // St Stephen’s

What’s going on…

We’ve got loads going on for our young people. Please see the weekly news and notes for upcoming dates for each of the below events.


We believe it is important for young people to witness and learn from one another as they grow as disciples of christ in the church family. To help with this, we make space for regular opportunities for all ages to come together both midweek and on a Sunday mornings. We also split into two smaller groups to help best resource our young people for their specific age group and stage in life.

Younger Elements:

School years 7-9 or roughly ages 11-14

Older Elements:

School years 10-13 or roughly ages 15-18

It’s also really important for our young people to spend time with the wider church family. We encourage our young people to serve on various church teams and also to engage with services even when there are not specific groups running.

If you’re visiting us we’ll ask you to register when you arrive at your session. For all young people who are part of St Stephen’s, we ask parents or carers to update their details every year (this is in September, although if you need to, you can update their details at any time).


On a Sunday, we all meet in church (10.30) to worship together before heading to
various groups at around 10.45

Younger Elements

Younger Elements meet in the Community Centre Youth Room. We spend time socialising and drinking hot chocolate before looking at the bible, discussing in small groups and praying for one another.

Older Elements

Older Elements meet in the vicarage loft just across the road from church. On a Sunday we dive deeper into the bible with the help of our leaders and guided group discussions. We allow plenty of time for worship and prayer together.

Joint Elements

Once a month we join as Younger and Older Elements together to worship and learn together in the Community Centre Youth Room. We play games, dive into the bible and worship as a collective.


We meet midweek on Fridays for both Younger and Older Elements in the Community Centre Youth Room from 6.45 – 9pm