You’ve heard of a Swiss roll, a sausage roll and a ham roll…but what on earth is the electoral roll?
Perhaps not as nourishing as the above options (in the literal sense anyway) the electoral roll is the closest thing we have to a list of those who consider St Stephen’s as their home church. But why would people want to be on this list? Here are three good reasons…
Whilst in today’s western culture, not committing yourself and having the freedom to move around are seen as positives, it seems to God that knowing that you definitely belong is significant. During the birth of the early church – as described in the book of Acts – they were so aware of who was part of the church and who wasn’t, on several occasions they could confidently claim that God “added to their number” (in one case numbering “about 3,000” people). And in the Old Testament God dedicates a whole book to counting his people (which was then appropriately named “Numbers”!) Choosing to be on the electoral roll is about showing you belong at St Stephen’s, and that this is where you call home.
Once you are on the electoral roll you are able to get involved in a variety of ways. For example, have you ever wondered about how some of the decisions about the church are made? Or wondered who chooses our Wardens or Parochial Church Council (PCC)? Well, once you are on the electoral roll, you do!! You get to help decide about these as well as hear about, and discuss, visions and plans for the future of the church.
What if you want to get more involved in the decision making and make the most of your gifts and talents? Well, if you’re on the electoral roll you can do that too. Once you have been on the electoral roll for six months you can volunteer to be on the PCC where you get to actively contribute towards all aspects of St Stephen’s including matters spiritual, legal, financial and missional.
So if you haven’t previously considered being on the St Stephen’s electoral roll and you want to call this your home, as well as want to participate more fully in the life of the church, click on the button below to complete our online form, or pick up a hard copy form from the Welcome Team or from the church office and fill it in today.