We started the day in the usual fashion with a group common worship, Jill lead today and spoke on some verses from Haggai. After PANCAKES for breakfast (Mona got up at 6:30 to make 90 pancakes using 6 pans), we started a full days work on the playground. Some very good progress was made today, Daniel even used the word “brilliant” (with prompting). Split into 7 or 8 groups there was painting of concrete, benches, panels and animals.
Wheelbarrowing soil, concreting the ramps, putting in the sand and more levelling and clearing of weeds. It’s starting to look like there could be a playground by tomorrow!
We had a visit from a kitten (work stopped briefly), Matt cut short his break from using the jigsaw when he heard Bex singing and Young Daniel also keeps referring to gloves as shoes, much to everyone’s confusion.
Lunch was carbonara, Jack ate his body weight in pasta and still had seconds.
We’ve been working between 9 and 1:30 when we break for lunch and snoozes (or beach volleyball and table tennis) and resume at 4, working until 7ish.
No minibus trips today so no humour/horror stories to share.
It’s currently raining and some people are even wearing trousers – bonkers considering it was over 38 degrees yesterday at the pool. Dinner was soup (naturally) followed by beef curry and cherry cakes. Yum yum yum, we are definitely not going hungry.
Alex Plimmer got some good news today – he has got into Southampton University (first choice) after getting his A-level results. Well done Alex.
With the rain and cooler temperatures, we should all be getting a good nights sleep though mozzie bites are in the double figures, despite the bedrooms being routinely fumigated with Deet.
Tea time now (English, Earl Grey or Assam), chin chin chaps, sleep tight