Quinta day 2

Hello again from Quinta, on day two of the youth residential!

Today we headed to Chester to the Crocky Trail, which is like Total Wipeout without the trip to Barbados. I’m pleased to report no (major) first aid incidents and some sufficiently muddy clothing, which currently resides screwed up under bunk beds. We have some great footage on camera so at some point you’ll get to see what it was like!

This evening in Souled:Out we were looking at abiding in Jesus. A lot of people simply prefer to be attached to Jesus; abiding means that we have to fully trust Him and that He is our life source. A number of young people said they wanted to abide and take a step in trusting Jesus more in their lives and want to produce good spiritual fruit as a result.

I finished the day unblocking a toilet and writing this post whilst waiting for the dorms to go quiet…. and the leaders will eventually get some kip before tomorrow’s 5 activity adventure!

In His Grip,

Matt & the Quinta team