Safeguarding Information

In an emergency call 999.  If you cannot speak, then after the call is connected, dial 55 for your call to be monitored and location identified.

To report a non-emergency domestic abuse incident call 101, or visit:,registered%20with%20the%20emergencySMS%20service%20.

Tonbridge Police Station, Pembury Road, Tonbridge TN9 2HS

Open 9am – 5pm Monday – Sunday, closed on bank holidays.

When the front counter is closed, a phone is available that will connect you to the force control room.

DAVSS Helpline

01892 570538

Monday to Friday 10am – 1pm

Closed 24th December – 6th January

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

0808 2000 247

24 hour support

Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service

0808 168 9111

24 hour support

Sexual Assault Referral Centre

01622 726461 (weekdays 9aam-5pm)

0800 133 7432 (out of hours)

The church office will be closed from 25th December until 2nd January.  If necessary, Rev’d Mark Barker can be contacted on 07736 940729.