“Carry each other’s burdens”.

Galatians 6:2 tells us to “Carry each other’s burdens”. Praying for people you know is a really powerful way to do that.

God cares for people too, so when we pray for others it is like we’re getting into step with Him.

On this board we’re inviting you to think of five people you know and to pray for them. And our prayer activity will help you keep praying for them in the days and weeks ahead.

Suggestion #1 // Pray for five people in need.

Pause for a moment and think of all the people you know.

Are there five (or more) who need help, support or even a miracle right now? Perhaps you know people who are in pain, bereaved, have lost jobs, are struggling with physical or mental health, experiencing difficulties with relationships, etc. If you’re not sure, sit quietly and ask God to remind you of people in your life.

When you’re ready, pick up a Bible and read through a few of the passages below (they’re all about blessing and caring for people). As you do, talk to God about the people you know. If it helps, pray the simple prayer suggestion below.

  • Psalm 103:8
  • Luke 15:20
  • Galatians 6:2
  • 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Prayer suggestion: “Lord, be with [name] right now. Let your Spirit fill [his/her] life and and let [name] be truly blessed today. Amen”

Suggestion #2 // Pray for five people to know Jesus

Again, pause and think of all the people you know.

Are there five (or more) who you would love to have their life changed by knowing Jesus? Not sure? Sit quietly and ask God to remind you of people in your life.

When you know who you’re praying for, pick up a Bible and read through a few of the passages below (these are all about God’s love for us). As you read them, think about those five people you’re praying for. Talk to God about them. If it helps, pray the simple prayer suggestion below.

  • Romans 5:8
  • 1 John 3:1
  • 1 John 4:9-10
  • John 3:16

Prayer suggestion: “Lord, show yourself to [name] today. Let [his/her] experience what it means to have a relationship with You. Amen”

Suggestion #3 // Prayer Activity…make a friendship bracelet.

Grab some string, thick cotton or other similar material (if you’re visiting our Prayer Space we’ll have some by the ‘Praying for people you know’ board), and using those materials, make a friendship bracelet. Once it is complete, tie five knots in it (one for each person you’re praying for).

Take your bracelet with you. Whenever you see it, let it remind you to pray for each person.

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Lastly, before you go…

Don’t forget to let us know you’ve visited so we can pray for you too. You can do that here.