We’re hosting a Women’s Summer Picnic at Coldharbour Farm, Penshurst on Friday 21st June.
A simple buffet will be provided but please bring your own cup, a plate and something to sit on.
The event will be held on a working farm so suitable footwear is needed. The event will go ahead whatever the weather! Please note, this event is not for children.
What time does it start? It will start at 7.30pm, finishing at 9.30pm.
Where is it? Coldharbour Farm, Penshurst, TN11 8EX.
What do I need to bring? Please bring a plate, a cup, something to sit on and some sturdy footwear.
Will photos and video be captured at this event? Yes, but we endeavour to respect your privacy at all times. Please note that this media may be put on social media, on our website, in our electronic communication as well as our printed literature. If you would prefer not to be included in this media please let us know by emailing comms@ststephens.org.uk.