Why Victory?

If you’re looking for our Easter services, click here. But if you’ve seen our banners with the heading “Victory” and you’re wondering what it is all about, read on…

God loves you

One of the most well known/often quoted verses in the bible (John 3:16) starts with, “God SO loved the world…” He SO loves the world, and He SO loves you too. But there’s a problem.

We’ve all made mistakes

Those mistakes may be big, or they may be relatively small. The Bible calls this sin. And whether big or small, it says, “There’s nobody living right, not even one” (Romans 3:10).

Those mistakes separate us from God

Just like with friends and family around us, the wrong things we do can damage our relationships. And sin damages our relationship with God. Ultimately it is terminal. The Bible says, “The wages (or consequence) of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

But still, why Victory?

At this point you may still be thinking, where’s the victory? Well, here it comes…

God has a plan to save you

Jesus took the consequences for everything we have done wrong and He paid for it through his death on the cross. Once more, the Bible is really clear. “But God demonstrates His own love for us: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Our relationship with God is restored

That’s what Jesus achieved on the cross. And that’s what Easter is really all about. “He [Jesus] cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). Now that’s a victory.

So what now?

Find a quiet space

Talk to God. You don’t need to use long or impressive words. Just be you.

Tell Him you’re sorry for the things you’ve done wrong

Especially if anything specific comes to mind, tell Him you are sorry.

Ask Him to come into your life

Ask Him to be in control. Ask Him to help you turn away from those wrong things in future. And ask Him to be with you from now on.

We recommend…

It is a really good idea to talk with someone about this, especially if it is the first time you have talked to God like this. If you aren’t already part of a church community we also recommend you contact a church near you. An Alpha Course is a really good place to start. And if you live or work near us, drop in whenever we’re open (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, or services on Sundays), or click here to see the dates and times of all our Easter services.