day 2….

A fantastic day at two very different gypsy churches!

We set off to Tinca after our early (8am) breakfast in glorious sunshine  (25C) in a minibus… our driver was kept entertained by Nicola’s very impressive grasp of Romanian,  though those in the back found the veering of the bus as John tried to broaden her language skills a little daunting!

Our reception by the Tinca and Telechiu communities was very warm (and the church very hot), our text for the services was John 4, the message was the water of life.. Mark only preached for 15 minutes or so (Edith – I am surprised there was not some rude comment here) but by the time it had been interpreted it was twice that.  Both Wendy and Ben gave testimonies which had a powerful and moving effect on every one. In both churches it was very emotional to see people coming forward for prayer after an impassioned invitation by the pastor and Daniel.

There were stark differences in the culture, the worship was very loud, lively and mainly men leading – keyboard at both with the addition of an accordion this evening. Songs a cross between Greek Taverna and Swiss yodelling, but we didn’t understand a word – and yet thoroughly enjoyed it.

No projection screens, so they sang songs from memory, and very few Bibles as they are quite poor and many cannot read (especially women). Men and women sat on opposite sides of the church and regularly peppered the service with loud “Ameeeen’s”.

Mona has kept us well fed after each service – noodle soup followed by rice, meat and veg in cabbage leaves boiled in tomatoes, less the meat for Mark, and a delicious gateau.

We are finishing each day with a time of reflection on where did we see God in the day and on the Nazareth Agenda from Luke 4. Mark discovered he had left the DVD in Tonbridge so may not last too many evenings!

Best part of the day – Glynis Luff says being given a toilet roll before going to the earth toilet in Telechiu!

Hope you have had a good day at St. Stephens and that the storms are not too bad. We on the other hand will make sure we don’t get sunburned!

Are praying for all those going to Quinta – have a great time.

Joint effort!!