Quinta day 1

Greetings from the Quinta! Despite the wind, the rain and the various weather warnings, we have overcome with no problems at all in our path. We made it here in record time, and were soon in the sports hall playing games. It’s amazing how God is in the details… We can’t set the weather, but he decides how it turns out – God cares about the little things that can look like big obstacles to us.

This evening, Jono spoke on John 15; Jesus is the vine and his Father is the gardener. We learnt about how God desires relationship with us and how we were created for a purpose and His pleasure. We mustn’t simply draw from God what we want and need, but also produce good things for Him and His glory.

I’m currently sitting outside the older boy’s dorm… waiting for the volume to drop. It’s going to be a long night (as usual) and we’ll (the leader’s) hopefully catch a couple of hours sleep before tomorrow’s adventure…. Until then, may God be in your dreams, and grab some sleep for us 🙂
