Due to the coronavirus and associated restrictions, our Bumps & Babes group cannot meet as normal at the moment. We are currently working on plans to re-open different groups within the church, so please check back on this page in the coming weeks for further information. In the meantime, if you would like to find out more, please do get in touch at: office@ststephens.org.uk or telephone the Church Office on 01732 771977.
Bumps & Babes is for anyone who looks after a baby, pregnant mums included. It allows you to come, with your baby, to find support and get to know others in the same situation. Many people find they make long-lasting friendships at Bumps & Babes.
Run by a small team of volunteers (all members of St Stephen’s and mums themselves), it aims to provide a safe environment for pre-walking babies.
The youngest baby we’ve had so far has been 11 days old and the oldest is about 14 months.
Times and Places
Pre-covid Bumps & Bapes was meeting Wednesdays during term time, between 10am and 12 noon, in the lounge of St Stephen’s Community Centre, Waterloo Road, Tonbridge.
Other Details
Prams and pushchairs can be left in the middle hall of the Community Centre.
The lounge where we meet has comfortable chairs for the adults and toys and soft mats for babies. Feel free to come for all or part of the time. You’ll be welcomed with a cup of tea, coffee or squash and biscuits.
If babies need feeding, that’s no problem. We can warm bottles if required. We also have baby-changing facilities.
This costs us about £1.20 per mum to run but we have a donations pot so that all can afford to come.
Local midwives and health visitors recommend Bumps & Babes to new mums as a way of meeting others. It’s currently the only group in Tonbridge catering only for babies.
As babies start walking and gain confidence, we encourage parents and carers to join Toddlers. This group meets on a Thursday morning and has more exciting toys and space to run around.
Each term our Bumps & Babes group joins with the Toddler group for a short service in the church.
The group also offers information on baptisms and services of thanksgiving for the birth of a child and extends invitations to Sunday services.
Once a year a professional photographer pays a visit with the opportunity to buy the photos if you like them.
For more information, contact the church office (01732 771977) and they can put you in touch with one of the leaders.